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The office.

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The office. Empty The office.

Post  Wayland Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:56 am

Wayland bows to Lia as she arrives in Smithygate on her carriage, then reaches up to help her down. 'Congratulations on the new business venture' he says as he kisses her cheek. 'Its good to see you again. Jennet mentuioned what you were up to in her letter but said you were struggling to find somewhere. I can't promise teh earth but al least the old office here will be free while you get started.'

Leading the way he leads her past his forge and over the yard to the Ostlers. A set of solid stairs lead up the side of the building to a solid oaken door with a small sign hanging above it. 'If you like the offices we can get that painted up for you if you'd like' he says.

Wayland opens the door and shows Lia into the small room.

Dust covers the floor, the floorboards worn smooth with age. A table sits by the window, a lone chair propped against it. Against the wall stands an old wooden bureau stacked with papers and writing tools dimly illuminated by the sun shining through the shutters.

Almost apologetically he turns to Lia 'I know its not much, but its somewhere to get you started. If you need anything just yell. If you need any more furniture ask one of the stable boys to run a letter up to Bryn Madn, theres plenty spare up there.'

Last edited by Jennet on Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Made a Sticky as Requested)

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:02 pm

Lia surveyed the office that Wayland had led her too. Aye, it will need a bit of work....Lia told him, looking around the room. Going out to find a bucket and a brush, Lia came back to the room. She rolled up her sleeves and got to work. By the time she was finished, her hair had come unbound, and the hem of her dress was soaked, but everything gleamed.

Now to get my books in order.... Lia said outloud to no one in particular. Lia grabbed a quill and sat at the desk and got to work....transcribing the law books she might need.....


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Blades Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:30 pm

Blades, after hearing that Lia had opened up a law office, he makes a trip visit her new office. Deep down inside he knows that he doesn't really care about the office as itself, but it is more the draw of the person now occupying the office that has brought him to this place. He slips in quietly, and stops in the doorway to look at her. A smile comes across his face. He can tell her hair unbound, and the hem of her dress soaked, he could see that she had been cleaning up the office. He gently raps on the door frame, trying to announce his presence without scaring her.

Are you busy my lady?


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:37 pm

Lia had been working on transcribing the law books for hours…pouring intently over getting her law books in order. A glance out the window saw the sun setting on the horizon…a soft pinkish hue filling the sky. Lia leaned back in the chair and stretched, her back a bit cramped from writing for so long, but so much had been accomplished. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, Lia went to place the quill back in the ink pot when she heard a rap at the door.

Are you busy my lady?

Lia looked over her shoulder and smiled when she saw Blades standing in the doorway. Realizing how disheveled she must look, Lia ran her fingers through her hair, and smoothed down her dress as she stood to greet him.

Good evening m’lord, Lia said with a bright smile. I was busy, but was thinking on calling it a day….What brings you my way today….surely you aren’t in any trouble I would hope?


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Blades Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:49 am

Blades smiled as she turned around and tried to clean up her appearance a little, she was still beautiful no matter what task she would have been doing that day.

Good evening m’lord, .... I was busy, but was thinking on calling it a day….What brings you my way today….surely you aren’t in any trouble I would hope?

Blades shook his head No trouble.... that I know about anyways. I just figured that I would swing by and see you and your new office here.

Blades looks around at the bookcases, some half full of books, so still empty with piles of books stacked up around them.

It is looking great my lady. If you need some help in here, please feel free to ask.

He takes a step or two closer to her, and extends his arm.

Since you are calling it a day, I have to ask, are you hungry my lady? I would love to have your presence join me for dinner, if you are available.

Blades blushed slightly; hoping that he was not being too forward with is proposal.


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:34 am

Blades wrote:
Since you are calling it a day, I have to ask, are you hungry my lady? I would love to have your presence join me for dinner, if you are available.

Lia smiled at his invitation. She had worked hard cleaning up the office, and transcribing the books to get the info that she needed to begin her practice. Brushing the errant hairs out of her face, she extinguished the candle on her desk, and turned to Blades.

M’lord, I would love to join you for dinner….Lia replied, taking his arm. Looking down at her dress, and knowing she must look a fright…Although perhaps I should go freshen myself up, I’m not exactly presentable to be in mixed company…I’ve been quite busy today, Lia added with a big smile.

Leaving the room with him, Lia shut the door behind her…and mentally made a note to ask Wayland or Jennet for a basin and a mirror for her office, along with a few other pieces she might need.


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Draco O'brian Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:45 pm

(a while after Lia's last post)

Draco wandered into Lia's office, not knowing Lia even had an office, he'd just been directed here to talk to her, he smelt distinctly of whiskey... more so than usual, most probably because he was wearing about half a bottle on his shirt. As Draco stumbled forward, his footing unsure, because apparently 5 bottles of whiskey is bad for the balance, he took another swig from one of his trusty hip flasks, before tripping over a book that happened to be on the floor, and sending whiskey splashing across the room, maybe or maybe not damaging books, and lying on the floor, laughing at how stupid it must look before looking around and shouting, in a very slurred voice, "HEY LIAAA!" he grinned "Guesh who!"

Draco O'brian

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:56 pm

Lia had been off searching for more files, and doing other tasks...before returning to her office. Noticing the door to her office open...and hearing a voice calling her name...albeit a bit drunkenly...she crept forward cautiously. One couldn't be sure in these times...but she was hard pressed to think anyone would be on the property that wasn't allowed...

Peering in the door, she started laughing. Putting her hands on her hips...trying to look stern, while suppressing the laughter....

Draco! What in the blazes are you office smells like a brewery now... she said, glancing at him sprawled on the floor and glancing around the room. Wait...why is there whiskey all over my desk?


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Draco O'brian Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:02 pm

Draco eyed her with a grin and tried to push himself up, failing and ending up sprawled on the floor again, then deciding to try use Lia's now rather whiskey soaked desk to pull himself up, he put a hand on it and exerted allot of force behind it... perhaps a bit too much, because the desk came down, and landed on Draco, causing him to yelp as books flew across the room, and his hipflask landed on his head.

He lay there for a few moments groggily trying to get his bearings before he remebered Lia was standing there... and now probably ready to tear out his throat "Uhm............ your books where thirsty?... and wanted shhome air?" he looked at the piles of papers all over the floor, his eyes having trouble focusing so he was seeing two of everything, and the floor seemed to be rocking, he decided it'd safer to remain lying on said floor...

Draco O'brian

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:20 pm

Watching him try to pull up and seeing the frail desk collapse under his weight...she winced slightly. Lia should have warned Draco before he attempted to use the desk...that a new one was on order, and that one was a bit rickety, but after the mess he had already made....Lia sighed. Looking about the floor at the pieces of desk...the papers and books strewn about...and Draco in the middle of it all, she just thanked Loki it was whiskey...and not fire.

Truly glad to see her friend here she was hard pressed to stay mad for long. Spying the hipflask that had fallen upon his head, she picked it up and took a drink. Pocketing the flask to give back to him later.....

Tis good to see you my friend...and once you are sober...I will surely kick your arse for causing such a mess....

Seeing him still prone on the floor...Lia poked at him with the toe of her boot.

Draco....are ye listening to me?


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Draco O'brian Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:29 pm

Draco dully noted that Lia was saying something about hurting him and tried to pull himself up, muttering quietly under his breath "ye can try, but after yer fight with Oro..." before feeling her foot connect slightly with his side, he twitched a little and lost his balance, collapsing to the floor again he looked around and saw two of Lia for a few moments, both of them swaying with the floor.

This time instead of trying to stand he slowly crawled to a wall, and sat himself against it, eying the ....3 lia's with a slight grin "Well sheem's i'm dreamin', theresh three of ya" he then cocked his head slightly, remembering he had a reason to annoy lia today, and forgetting what that reason was, besides from unintentionally destroying her office, after a few moments of looking around trying to fix his focus he remembered and tried to stand, this time successfully, though he was rather unsteady "Lia! Guesh wha'!"

Draco O'brian

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:37 pm

Seeing him sway back to his feet unsteady...Lia went over and wrapped an arm around his waist and drew him to the one chair in the room that seemed to be safe. Ignoring his mutterance about her fight with Oro...she pushed him into the chair. She began to pick up the bits of paper and books strewn over the floor, noticing the bottoms of her skirts soaking up the whiskey on the floor and sighing softly.

"Lia! Guesh wha'!"

Lia heard Draco say, a bit loud. Did ye finally figure out that Blades might hurt ya for messing up my office? Or have an idea how to explain why my skirts smell like a brewery? Lia said with a laugh.

Shaking her head...Lia sat back on her haunches and looked up at Drao....What?...


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Draco O'brian Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:01 pm

Draco murmured some vague protest as he was shoved into a chair and shook his head violently, and leant back in it a bit, almost tipping it over backwards. When she spoke Draco took what Lia said seriously and shook his head "naw ye almost always smell like a brewery but i dunnae about blades..." he trailed off and then after a few moments silence he spoke again "naw i'm.... i'm" he paused a big grin on his face" I'm engaged!!!!!" he shouted all too loudly and fell backwards off the chair in excitement, not even noticing he just cracked his head on Lia's bookcase "To the besht girl in allll of the world! not ta menshion Ireland!" he said, his enthusiasm still there

Draco O'brian

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:43 pm

[i]Lia watched as he leaned back on the chair...shaking her head. Seeing a grin cross his face she couldn't help but smile herself.

" I'm engaged!!!!!"

Lia heard his yell, wincing slightly at the volume...and gasping as he toppled the chair backwards and knocked his head. Jumping up she tore a strip from her whiskey soaked hem and went to his side, looking to see if gashed his skin or cracked his skull.

"To the besht girl in allll of the world! not ta menshion Ireland!"

Congratulations my friend....Lia said with a wide smile. I do hope you'll be inviting me to the wedding... she continued, running her hands through his hair to make sure all was well.

Lia sighs a bit, looking around the room. I reckon you'll be waking with a bit of a headache my friend...between the desk, and yer flask, and now that knock on yer head from the bookcase.


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Draco O'brian Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:55 pm

Draco grinned in return, wondering at the back of his mind why she had just torn her dress up, and also wondering how in the nine hells he'd ended up on the floor... "Coursh yer invited, yer lia" he grinned widely"can't have 'er not knowin my good friendsh" he felt around in his pocket for another flask and took it out grinning, opening it and slowly bringing it to his lips for another sip "Ye know, i dunnae why people shay whishkey is bad for ya" he vaguely looked around at the office, not registering that whiskey was the cause of the relative damage to Lia's stuff

Draco O'brian

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:42 pm

"Coursh yer invited, yer lia" he grinned widely"can't have 'er not knowin my good friendsh"

Lia smiled at this...wondering who the lass could be...and wondering if she knew what she was in for. Laughing to herself...she sat back. Watching Draco take another flask from a pocket...she chuckled. Don't ya think you have had quite enough this eve? I'll be having to find Athor and Blades to come carry ya from my office soon... Lia glanced around the room...Although....they might think we had been fighting...judging by the state of my office.


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Draco O'brian Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:54 pm

Draco looked at Lia slightly shocked, the flask still to his lips for a few moments before he put it on the floor "ye can NEVER! EVER! have too much wishkey! Itsh like..... the one thing ye can never 'ave too much a'" he grinned again "an 'naw, athor'd leave me 'ere so he could laugh at me in the mornin.... well he would iffen he actually spoke some... blade's prolly' would as well". he slowly levered himself off the floor, slightly aware of a stinging pain in the back of his head "and naw, if we'd been fightenin there'd be less whiskey an' more blood" he grinned as he surveyed the destroyed office, not quite registering how much work he'd caused

Draco O'brian

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:52 pm

Lia laughs at the site Draco makes....sprawled on the floor...having trouble sitting up and yet still drinking the blasted whiskey. Standing up Lia righted the fallen chair and helped Draco in it once again. See if you can sit and not fall over for just a moment whilest I get this mess cleaned up.

Lia gathered up the papers and books and put them in a dry box near the window. Picking the remnants of her now broken desk...Lia banked a fire in the fireplace and set the flue. Careful to also set the screen in front, so that an ember wouldn't ignite the splotches of whiskey on the floor, Lia set to work sweeping and clearing out what was left in her office. Disposing of the mess, Lia looked at her now empty the chair Draco was now seated in.

I guess I should thank ye for forcing me to get my office ready for the new furniture....Lia said with a laugh. Sitting down on the floor by his feet, she took the hipflask from his hand and took another swig. Smiling, Lia handed the flask back.'ll have to tell me about this girl that has captured yer heart... Lia began...hearing a knock upon the door. Going to answer she clapped her hands and smiled. Well the new furniture is here! Turning to Draco, Please refrain from wanting to destroy these items....least for a little bit.

Lia showed the men in and began directing what she wanted where. Seeing her new desk she smiled brightly. Watch the door frame! she hollared at the men.

The office. Deskback
The office. Deskfront

Directing them to the back of the room with the desk, she had them place it near the back wall. Spying her bookcase coming next..Please put that by the desk along the wall she pointed towards where she wanted it.

The office. Bookcase

The couch was next, and she directed them to put that over by the window, near by where Draco was sitting...

The office. Couch1

Finally the basin was next, with it's pretty pink porclein and mirror.

The office. Basin

Having them put that by the door, Lia surveyed the room. Smiling widely...she gave the men a couple pounds for their troubles and walked them to the door.

So...What do you think Draco?


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Blades Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:37 pm

Blades had been out for a stroll, and decieded that he would go and stop in and see Lia. He had remembered her saying something about redecorating her office, but he couldn't remember when she said that was suppose to happen. He head towards her office and stopped, listening to the strange sounds in the air. Someone was yelling. He couldn't make it out. He shruged it off and headed towards Lia's office. As he turned the corner, he could make out a wagon in front of the office and men were just leaving. He wondered if today was the day for her new office. He picks up his pace and arrrives at the door, seeing both Draco and Lia there, he knocks at on the door frame.


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Draco O'brian Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:08 am

Draco sat in the chair, blinking slightly as the men came in, there was alot of them and they were carrying in heavy looking furniture, Draco made a mental note to not be under any of it should it fall over. When the men finally finished moving the stuff, and Lia asked draco how it looked he squinted a bit, the room still swaying slightly, it looked as though there was about three of everything "why ya got more than one 'a everythin' Lia" Draco asked in mild confusion, just as he heard a knock on the door...

Draco O'brian

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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  LiaRK Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:45 am

Lia was happy as she surveyed her new office. Looking over at Draco seeing if he had heard her question...

"why ya got more than one 'a everythin' Lia"

Laughing Lia answered....More than likely has to do with the amount of whiskey ye been drinking...

Hearing a knock Lia turned towards the door and a smile lit her face. Quickly brushing down her dress and running a hand through her hair... Blades! Lia ran over to where he was standing and threw her arms around him tightly and gave him a kiss. Pulling back and grabbing his hand....Lia tried to pull Blades into her office.

Grinning like a child at Christmas...Look! They delivered all my furniture finally.... With a side glance towards Draco...she refrained from mentioning what happened to the previous furniture....and why the room smelled faintly of whiskey.....


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The office. Empty Re: The office.

Post  Blades Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:07 am

Blades could smell the whiskey emulating from the office, but as he looked around and saw Draco slumped in the chair, he knew the answer to his question. He wrapped his arms around Lia, and held her there, lightly kisses her cheek.

Your furniture looks wonderful my dear, but might I ask what happened to the previous desk and furniture?

Blades walks around the room slowly lightly trailing his fingers along the edges of the new furniture, amazed at the craftsmanship.


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